Eager Exercisers at the Ageless Mobility Workshop. Twenty-five participants attended the first ever Ageless Mobility Workshop at the Johnson Seniors Centre in Fredericton on November 17th, 2018.
The Workshop, which was funded by Wellness NB, and organized by NB Physical Literacy, the University of New Brunswick Kinesiology Cellab, the Seniors Wellness Action Group and headed by Shelley Swift, the owner of Gentle Pace Mobility, seniors fitness instructor and avid community member and volunteer was a great success!
The event, which had open registrations to the public, consisted of passionate physical activity leaders who offered resources and guidance to help seniors improve their physical mobility! The event demonstrated a program called Ageless Grace, a brain health program that will combine music with movement working on fitness and improving brain health as well as a Gentle Pace Mobility session which included seated and standing exercises with resistance bands that can be done in participants every day at home! Fitness assessments were offered to seniors on behalf of the UNB Kinesiology Cellab and assistance from NB Physical Literacy consultant, Taylor Devlin. The test allowed older adults to identify areas that could be improved upon and to be given guidance on how to improve.

The seniors were engaged and interested, regardless of previous experience with physical activity and exercises. There were lots of questions asked, and tips given and resources shared on how to continue activity and exercise. The event also was able to highlight programs such as NB PLAYS! Gold and Silver Strides through UNB’s URec department, along with other local programs seniors could take advantage of.
The day was a blast, and NB Physical Literacy was thrilled they had the opportunity to participate and discuss physical literacy for a whole different age group!