Healthy Start for Active Kids offers everything needed to increase physical activity and healthy eating in early years programs.  Several different formats are available.

In Person Training Workshops

Aimed at early years practitioners, the training workshop is typically done over a 6- hour period or two 3-hour sessions.  After the training, you will be fully equipped and ready to work with the Healthy Start for Active Kids approach.  Along with the training, we provide you with these useful resources:

Online Training

This accredited online training course is offered through the University of Moncton.  It is intended for early childhood educators and professionals working with young children.  Participants will receive continuing education units that can be applied to Early Childhood Education certification, or used for professional development.


Our online are a follow-up to the in-person or online training.  They are accessible to anyone interested in early years health.

Healthy Start for Families

Healthy Start for Families consists of a series of interactive, kid-friendly activities and cooking sessions aimed at parents, guardians and children ages 0-5 years.
Healthy Start for Families offers training workshops for staff at early years centers, family resource centers or community-based organizations, that would like to provide this program to parents.
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